Establish A Sound Safety Culture

Safety Assessment is a critical process that involves a thorough evaluation of industrial facilities to identify potential hazards and ensure the implementation of effective safety measures.

We conduct detailed reviews and analysis to help you understand the safety landscape within your facilities and enable the implementation of appropriate safety protocols. 

Our Approach To
Safety Assessment Services

Our safety assessment services constitute a strategic sequence of measures designed to ensure the implementation of adequate controls. The result? You become equipped to mitigate the risks associated with major incident hazards. 

Hazard Identification

Our safety assessment engineers start with identifying hazards and analysing significant process safety scenarios requiring thorough risk evaluation using HAZOP, HAZID, and PHRs techniques, depending on your needs.

Risk Assessment

We conduct a detailed assessment of each scenario to ascertain its inherent risk and the effectiveness of the implemented controls in minimizing their likelihood. During this phase, we use LOPA, Bowtie analysis, risk matrices, and consequence modelling techniques.

SFAIRP Assessment

Our safety assessment engineers evaluate whether all practical measures have been adopted to minimize identified risks. We help you ensure the application of industry best practices and standards while exploring the potential integration of additional controls to mitigate risks further.

Operational Assurance

Our safety engineers will develop performance standards to outline their specific operational requirements. We also continuously monitor and test these standards to ensure consistency in adhering to safety protocols and continuously evaluate their safety.

Tell Us Your Safety
Engineering Requirements

Our safety engineering consultants are ready to help you navigate complex
safety challenges compliantly to foster a safe and secure operational environment. Let’s get started.